Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Adult Hood

rita ora coachella outfit slogan shirt by Carerra
(Source: Guardian )

These words are very true. One day you wake up and bam, you're an adult. Don't get me wrong - there are many good things about growing up. Gaining the perspective that someimtes it's a good idea to pay someone else to do your taxes or the insight to walk away from your longest friendship because you've never had anything in common with the person are just a few. But there's that sting when you realize that growing up will always be synonymous with letting go. Yeah, news flash, being an adult isn't all eating bacon whenever you want.
Some days I find that I can't stand it though. So, I think this weekend I'm going to run around in some sprinklers or eat a bowl of Trix while watching cartoons. I'm taking back some of my childishness, and I encourage you to also! Take back what you've had to give up and throw a little vacation from adulthood. I think you'll find that visiting that place when you were happy and carefree all the time is like tapping into the fountain of youth. Swim in it, guys!

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